
Shades of beige lined up along the curving street.

Desolate by day.   Almost post-apocalyptic in its silence.

Each house spits out a car or two in the morning only to re ingest them later. 

Harsh blues and grays from the television illuminate shadows within.

Then darkness, except for the streetlight.

A coyote stops under the lamp to scratch his ear, then trots into the  night.


3 comments on “Suburbia

  1. Clever and illustrative lines and images. I can just see those cars going in and out like 4 wheeled robots – balanced by the image of the lone coyote. 🙂

  2. Wow- you have such powerful images in this poem. The coyote is truly haunting under that streetlamp. The shades of beige set a pretty depressing mood right out of the gate.

    • makablaze says:

      Thanks. I saw a coyote yesterday, but I wasn’t sure how to write about him. I think I would like to go back and work on this one. Had to stop and put my daughter to bed last night.

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